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RVSCET presents Wellness Meditation: a webinar on meditation to combat anxiety and depression. by Sahaja Yoga


About Sahaja Yoga

A unique method of meditation based on the experience of the awakening of one’s inner power by the process called “Self Realisation.”


Benefits of Sahaja Yoga:

1. Stress relief & peace of mind

2. Self motivated & Improved concentration

3. Positive attitude and a team player

4. Innovative & Cultivation of different art forms

5. Mental, physical balance

6. Overall personality development


Can you attend?

If you are a student, faculty, staff, a friend or a family member of RVSCET family


Should you attend? Definitely, yes!


Why should you attend?

We all are hit by a global pandemic which has taken a toll on our mental health. During these troubled times, we need peace for our minds more than ever. So let’s take out 50 minutes of our time for our mind.



Date: June 2, 2020 (Tuesday)

Time: 11 AM

Join at: WebEx

Meeting ID: 166 324 6501

Password: Yoga@1970


For more information, connect with:

Prof. Sushanta Mahanty (7004716247)

Prof. Jeevan Kumar (7484900287)