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Christmas is the festival of joy. It is one of the biggest festivals celebrated all over the world and people from all religions come together and celebrate this occasion with great joy. It is an annual festival commemorating the birth of ‘Jesus Christ ‘ observed on December 25. The Christians believe ‘Jesus’ as the “Son of God”. Traditionally, people decorate their homes with bright, colourful lights and with a Christmas tree. Feasts are prepared and Christmas carols are sung for the occasion.


Christmas is celebrated religiously by a majority of Christians as well as by many non-Christians. As Jesus was born in Bethlehem this festival has a lot of importance there. On this auspicious day, people go to Church for offering prayers. People exchange sweets, cakes, cookies, etc among them and enjoy the day. It is also the last festival of the year as many countries observe winter season this time. With the sun shining brightly, people use to travel to different places and go for a picnic and end the year with full happiness.


Santa Claus, who is said to bring gifts to the homes of well-behaved children on the night of Christmas Eve or during the early hours of Christmas Day. The young ones as per their mythology perform different activities so that Santa Claus blesses them with sweets and gifts. With love for Jesus and Santa, we say

” A Merry Christmas and a Happy New year .”



Mr. Achintya Raj

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Batch of 2019-23