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RVS College of Engineering and Technology (RVSCET), Jamshedpur, marked its Foundation Day with a series of vibrant and engaging events that highlighted the institution’s commitment to excellence in education and community engagement. The celebration took place on 24-05-2024,at college Auditorium, bringing together Management,faculty, staff, and esteemed guests to commemorate the journey and achievements of RVSCET since its inception.

The festivities began with a solemn inaugural ceremony, featuring a welcome address by the Principal, Dr. Rajesh kumar Tiwari, who highlighted the college’s milestones and future aspirations. The event also saw inspiring speeches from honorable secretary Mr. Binda singh and Treasurer Mr. Shatrughna singh shared their experiences and insights, motivating the faculties and staff to strive for greatness.
The celebration featured academic sessions, including a series of FDP led by experts in different fields. These sessions provided facilities with valuable knowledge and exposure to the latest advancements in technology and engineering.

The Foundation Day celebration was a testament to the innovative mindset fostered at RVSCET, reflecting the college’s dedication to nurturing future engineers and technologists.
As part of the celebration, several awards and recognitions were handed out to faculty members for their exceptional contributions in academics, research, and extracurricular activities. These accolades serve as an encouragement for the RVSCET community to continue pursuing excellence.
The day concluded, where the entire college community came together for a celebratory feast, reinforcing the bond and camaraderie among Management, faculties and staff. The Foundation Day celebration at RVSCET Jamshedpur was a resounding success, leaving everyone with cherished memories and a renewed sense of pride and belonging to the institution.
This looks forward to many more years of growth and success, continuing its mission to educate, innovate, and inspire.
RVSCET Jamshedpur Celebrates Foundation Day with Grandeur and Enthusiasm throughout the day.

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