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Jamshedpur: February 21 – A two-day Job Fair started today at the RVS College of Engineering and Technology, Jamshedpur. This fair is being organized in collaboration with the Board of Practical Training. The inaugural session of this fair was presided over by Shri Binda Singh, Chairman of RVS Educational Trust. The program was inaugurated with lighting of the lamp by the chief guest, Chairman of Sudisa Foundry Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Inder Kumar Agarwal, Chairman of RVS Educational Trust Mr. Binda Singh, Secretary Mr. Bharat Singh, Treasurer of the Trust Mr. Shatrughna Singh, Governing Body Member Mr. Shakti Singh. Special guest Mr. K Chandramoli, Assistant Director of Board of Practical Training, Principal Prof. (Dr.) Rajesh Kumar Tiwari and T&P head Dr. Vikram Sharma. In his address, the chief guest of this program, Mr. Inder Kumar Aggarwal said that this Job Fair organized in collaboration with BOPT would open doors of employment for the participating candidates. In this sequence, he said there is no shortage of employment, the only need is that the candidates gain proficiency and for this BOPT provides a useful platform. Addressing the participants, secretary of the Institute, Shri Bharat Singh said that professional education itself means getting employment after the completion of education. Yes, it is equally true that aspirants have to develop their skills as per the requirement of the industry. In this context, he also discussed the schools run under RVS Educational Trust as well as the skill development centres. Special guest Shri K Chandramoli said in his address that for the last six years, Job Fair had been organized in RVS College of Engineering and Technology in collaboration with BOPT. Taking advantage of these opportunities, a large number of participants have taken training and are doing good jobs after training. He said that our organization is a unit associated with the Higher Education Ministry, Government of India and our work is to make the youth employment oriented. In his address, College Principal Prof. (Dr.) Rajesh Kumar Tiwari said through a quote that a person’s knowledge creates his bright future, hence every youth should understand the importance of knowledge. Before this, the incoming guests were welcomed by Dr. Vikram Sharma, Head of T&P of the college. The vote of thanks was proposed by T&P Coordinator Dr. Shantimay Mandal. 33 companies are participating in this fair. Hundreds of participants have come from Jharkhand, Bihar, Bengal and Orissa to participate in this fair.

Chief Guest Mr. Inder Kumar Agarwal, Chairman of Sudisa Foundry Pvt. Ltd. said: Time and patience are the real sources of a person’s strength. His biggest responsibility is to maintain patience. When a person works with all his efficiency and honesty, his success in time is certain.


These are the companies:

  1. Asoka Sky Metals Pvt. Ltd. ASL Motors
  2. Bebbco Motors Pvt. Ltd. BMW Industries Ltd.
  3. Brakes India Pvt. Ltd. 6. Emdet Jamshedpur Pvt. Ltd.
  4. Central Mine Planning and Design Institute Limited (CMPDI)
  5. Ekta Telecommunication & Systems 9. Fleetguard Filters Pvt. Ltd.
  6. Gram Tarang Technical Vocational Education & Training Pvt. Ltd.
  7. Inland Power Ltd. 12. Jamna Auto Industries Ltd.
  8. JCACPL 14. Mashal News
  9. Mecon Ltd. 16. Narsingh Ispat Ltd.
  10. Netmore Technology 18. Pebco Motors Ltd.
  11. PSPL Steel Processors Pvt. Ltd. 20. Ramakrishna Forgings Ltd.