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Today, on December 8th 2023, officers from Golmuri Block—Mr. Anupam Kumar Singh, Mr. BK Singh Deo, Mr. KP Pal, and Mrs. Aarti Bala Mahato—conducted an awareness program at RVS College of Engineering and Technology. Addressing the students in the college auditorium, Officer Mr. Anupam Kumar Singh emphasized the importance of the election-related awareness program. He urged students without Voter ID to obtain one and encouraged those under 17 years to register, ensuring their right to vote. Mr. Singh highlighted the necessity of voting, citing that while rural areas show a 70 to 80% voting turnout, urban areas, with a higher concentration of educated individuals, often have a lower percentage. Additionally, students were briefed on various election rules, and a call was made for them to consider entering politics post-graduation to contribute to the nation’s future.


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