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RVSCET (RVS College of Engineering and Technology) in Jamshedpur recently hosted a lively Holi Milan celebration, marking the advent of spring with a burst of colors and camaraderie. The event, which took place at college Auditorium on 23/03/2024, brought together managements, faculty, and staff in a joyous atmosphere of unity and festivity. The college’s chairman Mr. BINDA SINGH and Secretary Mr. BHARAT SINGH said that “Holi Milan at RVSCET is not just about playing with colors, it’s about coming together as a family and celebrating the spirit of unity”

Highlights of the Event:

• Colorful Revelry: The campus came alive with vibrant hues as participants smeared each other with gulal (colored powder), spreading laughter and cheer.

• Traditional Delicacies: Attendees indulged in an array of mouth-watering delicacies, including traditional Holi sweets , adding a delicious touch to the festivities.

• Community Bonding: Holi Milan served as a platform for fostering strong bonds and friendships among the RVSCET community, transcending barriers of age, gender, and background.

• Safety Measures: In adherence to safety protocols, organizers Committee members ensured the event was conducted in a controlled environment.

“It’s heartwarming to see our traditions being upheld with such an enthusiasm and Amidst the challenges of the pandemic few years back, events like Holi Milan remind us of the importance of celebrating life and spreading joy wherever we go.” said by Masters of ceremonies Dr.Sudhir Jha.

The Holi Milan celebration at RVSCET, Jamshedpur, was a embodying the spirit of joy, unity, and cultural vibrancy. As participants bid farewell to winter and welcomed the season of renewal, the event served as a reminder of the enduring bonds that unite us all, transcending differences and bringing communities together in shared celebration.



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