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Jamshedpur: March 4- RVS College of Engineering and Technology, Jamshedpur organised a one-day seminar on ‘Mera Phela Vote Desh ke Liye’, today under the aegis of NDLI club. Mr. Sanjay Mishra, the chief editor of Prabhat Khabar, a Hindi daily newspaper, was the chief guest and Mrs. Soma Banerjee, principal of DBMS Career Academy was the guest of honour. The programme started with the lighting of the lamp by the guests and other dignitaries on the dais. The Principal of the college Professor (Dr.) Rajesh Kumar Tiwari welcomed all the guests. The treasurer of RVS Education Trust Mr. Shatrughna Singh presented a shawl and memento to the esteemed guests. In his address, the chief guest Mr. Mishra analysed the electioneering Process and its importance in Democracy. The number of voters in India is bigger than the whole population of Europe, he added. He said India is the largest democracy in the world and we preserve it successfully only because of the active participation of voters. Now, this is the duty and responsibility of the young voters to take care of it. The guest of honour Mrs Soma Banerjee said in her address the expenses occurring in the election process are the money of the people of the country so that it is our responsibility to take part in it. At the end of the programme, Dr. Sudhir Jha proposed a vote of thanks.  Dr. S.P. Singh, Dr. Rekha Tiwari and other committee members played an active role in organising the programme.