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Marching steadily, finally we have reached the last day of 2019. Any year, the 31st of December doesn’t mean an ordinary day. It reigns the status of being extremely special, when people recapitulate old remembrances, and plan for the upcoming year. And this age-old fanciness is not eliminated this year also. People worldwide are busy with their new year plans and strategies.

But before, how do you see your journey through 2019? Does it not resemble a roller coaster ride? For everyone, 2019 must have unveiled a lot of surprises, highs and lows, ups and downs; must have been everything from smooth-sailing to shaky to swift. And thanks to all of these, for they have contributed in making us better versions of ourselves.

And now, after a few hours, we will be in a brand new year, 2020, that has already equipped itself with new aspirations, new hopes, new desires, new dreams, and so on. New year is a perfect time to rejuvenate ourselves thoroughly, and be fully loaded with optimism, prudence and enthusiasm, exterminating pessimism, stress and other destructors of gaiety.

Are you ready with your new year resolutions and plans? There are some super important things that are waiting for you to think over at least once. In the new year, please attempt to distribute edibles, clothes, medicines, stationery items, toys, and necessary goodies to the downtrodden and underprivileged sections of the society as per your capacity. Maintaining healthy relations with people around, obeying and respecting elders, planting saplings, feeding stray animals, paying due attention to cleanliness and hygiene, abiding by the law and keeping the nation first deserve to be the part and parcel of ours in the new year. Meeting with near and dear ones, exchanging greetings, kickstarting another adventurous thriller of life on new year is just something one needs after an year’s labour and toil.

As we are tenderly approaching 2020, present moments of 2019 are getting transformed into memories. Memories that have the magic of enveloping us with nostalgia. Nostalgia, that takes us into a different kingdom. So before the majesty of this present instant fades to become a past, utilize the running clock, make the most out of it, and happily welcome the new year with open arms.



Ms. Apurva Raj

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Batch of 2017-2021