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Jamshedpur: March 6 – A Talk on “Mathematics: A Key to Understanding our World and Universe” was held today at RVS College of Engineering & Technology Dr. Rajat Tripathi, Assistant  Professor of Mathematics, NIT, Jamshedpur was gracing the occasion as the chief Guest and main speaker. The Program started with the lighting of the Lamp. The HOD, of Science and Humanities, Dr. Surya Bahadur presented a bouquet and memento to the Chief Guest and delivered a welcome address.

In his presentation, Dr Rajat Tripathi, the chief guest scholarly analyzed the various components of mathematics which are used in the studies of the whole universe. He emphasized the importance of calculus differential as well as Integral. He explained the formulation of differential equations representing a physical phenomenon. He laid down the practical utility of mathematics, which works for the advancement of science. His scholarly presentation enlightened me with proper awareness towards the importance of the topic.

The Treasurer of RVS Educational Trust expressed satisfaction with the programme and said this kind of programme will encourage students to study in some good ways. The Principal Prof. (Dr.) Rajesh Kumar Tiwari said that he would always assist with this kind of programme.

At the end of the programme, Dr. Sudhir Jha proposed a vote of thanks to the guest. Academic  Dean  Dr.S.C. Mahato, Administrative Dean, Prof. Krishna Murari, Dr. S.P Singh, Dr. Rekha Tiwary, Dr. Rahidas Kumar, Dr. Govind Mahato, Dr. D.K Haldar, Dr. Subrato  Mahato, Prof. Gauri Shankar  Paul, Dr. Rakesh Kumar and many other faculty members, and a large number of  Students were present in the programme.