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Department of CSE & ECE invites you to DATA SCIENCE & MACHINE LEARNING: an Online Hands-On session by Ardent Computech


Highlights of the Webinar :

1. Concept of Data Analysis and Data Science

2. Data Cleaning, Data Processing and Data Visualisation

3. Coverage of various Machine Learning Models and Data Correlation

4. Simple Linear Regression Model

5. Calculating Error and Accuracy


Date: June 8, 2020 (Monday)

Time: 11 AM

Join at: GoToMeeting

Register at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf2eVkDGySnDGRZvtQgDHJyFeSHheiOe7_JzLW3I6-lPdmYWg/viewform


Limited seats. HURRY UP!!

REGISTER NOW to get an e-certificate for participation!


For more information, connect with:

Prof. Sushanta Mahanty (7004716247)

Prof. Jeevan Kumar (7484900287)